
Friday, February 20, 2015

The End of One Season Begins Another

Welcome to the Coseytown Flowers Blog! 

There has been a lot of activity behind the scenes getting this fledgling business up and running. Getting this blog operational is my priority for this week. This blog will be used to highlight what is happening on the farm, what is growing, what is being harvested, a place to post lots of pretty flowers, and to let you all know where flowers are being sold.
New logo!

Currently, lots of planning is happening. Seeds have been ordered and now I have to figure out where they are all going. In a few weeks time, new beds are going to be tilled so I need to be organized. 

Measuring out new beds

Soon to be 6000+ sq ft of flowers!

Business planning is also being completed. Our business name has been registered with the state. All paperwork is in order to collect sales tax. We are all set up to accept mobile credit card payments. The logo has been made and business cards are on the way! All the little things nobody mentions. Lists of goals and tasks have been made. Dreams have been written down. And pretty soon, all this planning will be put into action. As soon as the temperature stays above freezing. I am SO ready for that!

Drew out my 2015 planting plans. I need to add two more beds.

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